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Why are New York City area airports so pesky?
Flying off to a new locale, going to visit friends or attending a family event is always exciting if you’re not flying through any of the New York City airports. Delays, delays and more delays are likely to occur if … Continue reading
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Tagged airports, EWR, JFK, LGA, New York City, travel
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A survey of Bedbugs in NYC: True Plague or Just Panic?
If you have lived in New York in the past year, you have probably aware that bedbugs have made a comeback. Stories about the tiny bloodsuckers have filled the papers and are regularly featured on TV news. But is this problem really big enough to warrant the 13 bedbug stories the NY Times has published in the last month alone? Should New Yorkers be panicking about the oncoming bedbug plague or is this the Y2K of this decade, a minor impact with a LOT of buzz? Continue reading
Posted in Survey, Uncategorized
Tagged bed bugs, bedbugs, pests
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Why are you here?
There is a saying in Texas, “I wasn’t born in Texas, but I got here as soon I could.” I was born in Texas and couldn’t wait to leave. I knew to truly further my career; I’d have to leave … Continue reading
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Death Wish: The Infestation
Is it sick to take pleasure in killing house pests? Continue reading
Posted in Ask a Question, Uncategorized
Tagged Charles Bronson, fruit flies, glue traps, mice, rats
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