The survey results are in but answers are still at large. As of November 12, slow walkers are still underrepresented in the survey, making up only two of the 14 responses. This raises the question of whether there are simply more fast walkers in the City or if they are just more opinionated.
On which turf do you stand?
Aside from that, the survey received a pretty balanced mix of respondents. Exactly half of the respondents are female and the other half male. Ages range from 24 to “old” with most of them in the late twenties. About half of them grew up in parts of the US like Massachusetts, Ohio, Texas and Oregon while the rest are from Philippines, Poland and the UK.
But let’s look at the actual results.
None of the fast walkers hate New York. In fact, most of them seem to absolutely love it. Compare this to one slow walker who quite likes the City and another who doesn’t really like it. There could be an interesting relationship between walking fast and feeling at home in the middle of the bustling crowd, but we will need more responses from slow walkers to make our case.
How much do you love New York? (1=hate it 5=love it)
Fast walkers
Slow walkers
The results also show that the same factors may make a person a slow or fast walker. Both sides said that their speed is due to habit, 83% of the fast walkers and 50% of the slow walkers. Fast walkers also said they walk fast because their schedules are packed (58%) and that time is precious (58%) while slow walkers said they’re not in a hurry anyway (100%). No slow walker said that walking fast is rude while 8% of fast walkers said walking slow is rude and another 8% said they would hate to block the traffic.
Other responses from fast walkers include “I’m literally incapable of walking slowly”, “I’m usually running late” and “I think of it as a sport” as well as “walking fast makes me sweat” from slow walkers.
Why do you walk fast?
Why do you walk slow?
Responses to when they would cross the turf may be more enlightening. All slow walkers will walk faster when in a hurry and half will do the same when walking with a fast walker. About a third of fast walkers, including some who ticked “other”, said they would walk slower when it’s not a workday or when they’re in a more laid-back environment. Could this mean that rush determines one’s walking speed?
Most respondents are considerate, with 50% of fast walkers saying they would walk slower when taking a visitor around town and 50% of slow walkers saying they would up their speed when with a fast walker. One chronic case said she never walks slow.
Other responses from fast walkers include “When I don’t have anywhere to be in particular”, “Maybe when I’m out of town”, “On the beach”, “Parks” and “When I feel a little sad” (Aww).
Are there occasions when you would walk slow?
Are there occasions when you would walk fast?
Last but not least, the amount of time respondents have spent in the City seems to be slightly related to walking speed. Of the fast walkers, 31% have been in New York for more than 10 years and a total of 43% have been here for more than a year. The two slow walkers have only been in New York for less than a year and between 1-5 years.
In conclusion, one’s walking speed may be determined more by their habit and lifestyle than the amount of time they have spent in New York City. Looking at the survey’s respondents, it seems safe to say that the majority of fast and slow walkers cross the turf quite fluidly –even fast walkers relish taking strolls sometimes.
The charts will be updated when new responses arrive.